Similar, with questions about K-12 training at school the near future will
be finished: the methods of education have appeared new, efficient and accessible not only
teachers, but also parents: system the MIR. The pedagogical
community is found in a mild shock and in every possible way ignores this
event: in Russia
since 1997 in higher educational institutions the students in the age of 9 - 11 years
already study! The silence and remains deposited what here within ten years everywhere in
Russia children with pleasure begin freely to read ... Since two years, write
print the own compositions...
These and other results of system "of Methods of intellectual development
(rus: razvitie)" (MIR), offered Academy of the teachers - innovators after forty
years of researches and approbation, become the honest answer of the independent Russian
teachers and American doctors on absurd and catastrophic on the consequences idea of
augmentation of terms of secondary education for two years. In pedagogical shop confusion
and the confusion, prevails, directly we shall tell, strange, though also quite
understandable reaction: "you leave the teachers without work!". But with the
facts will not argue: it appears, on the contrary, at reduction of time of stay of
children at school twice, the results of their mental and physical development surpass
everything, that was known about a forwardness of the issued people and even of the
geniuses of mankind. Certainly, in new the MIR - education the methods of training should
be more adapted for children's mentality and age features, and the released time will
allow divide classes. Besides the new education system will allow in hundreds time to
increase employment of the teachers and tutors in sphere " of family education
", which becomes now accessible not only for an average class, but also for needy
families. Accordingly, the need for subjects of additional education raises, so teacher
without work will not stay, faster on the contrary - the suiting exit of the decision of a
problem of unemployment among the teachers is found all.
The facts testify, that "К-12" enlarges almost by twenty percents of
an expense of the parents and state, simultaneously promoting дебилизации,
наркотизации, rate of sickness of the population in some times. It it is a lot
of if to take into account, that, for example, in USA, in Russia and in other countries
the cooperative expenses for education constitute about half of all state
budget. The
supporters "K-12" as though that fact does not concern, that each rouble of
expenses on reform, offered them, will bring in subsequent more than twenty roubles of the
losses, and also, that is even more terrible, she(it) conducts to irreversible degradation
to changes in the personality "K-12 school boys". Last with
неумолимостью follows from the law NUVERS, formulated B.P.
Nikitin. Let's remind, that this law " of Irreversible Decrease of Possibilities of Efficient
Development of Abilities " with age of the child was put forward and is reconfirmed
by practice of the Russian teachers - innovators in the beginning of the 70-th
years. As a
result of delay of a beginning of training in preschool age and tightening of terms of
receiving of formation(education), the general educational level is sharply
reduced, all demographic parameters in the country fall practically, as
социализация of children is artificial restrains, does not
correspond(meet) to
natural terms of a puberty. The system "K-12 of training ",
apparently, will
enter a history as the most terrible weapon on destroying and restraint of development of
the states.
2. There is no problem одаренности - there was a problem of
correct development of the child
The offered new system of education and education on a basis the MIR
reduces expenses, maximum takes into account psychology and age features of the
child, and
is realized by a way use of the several integrated games covering about thirty subjects
and? a little bit(some) of creative trades. She(it) includes the
references on development of the child for all ages, from 0 till 18 years. The results are
received by the Russian teachers by the innovators per 60 years, and in 1989 in Russia for
the first time in the world the new methods of game training of children to
reading, mathematics, music etc. since birth were realized, during a developing
care of
the child. The basic concepts and documents are published in the several books, magazine
clauses, the techniques are defended by the inventor's certificates. The results of check
of system the MIR by parents have appeared phenomenal: children with pleasure begin to
read to age полутора - two years, to five master the program of an elementary
school, and so on. The expenses of time and remedies have appeared in tens time
below, than, for example, program of preschool development G. Douman and
others. But most important, in opinion of the parents and psychologists - general level of development and
gifted of such children sharply has increased. Today in Russia consider: " there was
no problem gifted, there was a problem of correct development of children! ".
3. Higher education - till eighteen years?
At last - that comes true dream of all parents: to have time(be in
всесторонне to prepare children for lawful age, to independent life. The final
pays, conducted by the economists, rather impress: the new education system will require
three times less time and remedies for development of existing school and maximum
education programs, so-called " of the educational standards ".
What results of long-term tests? Has passed already about thirty years since
the teachers - innovators in Russia have reduced in the classes terms of training to
mathematics three times, and on geometry and stereometry - five times at excellent
mastering (V.F. Shatalow). Nevertheless, tens positive reports about checks of the
Ministry of Public Education and did not become property of a wide public. Even more
impress successes in preschool education: on a technique B.P. Nikitin children of seven
years act in the fourth class, and "первоклассники", developing on
system the MIR P.V. Tyulenew can begin to be engaged at once under the program of
the fifth or seventh class of usual school. The durability of mastering of knowledge on
techniques of the innovators in twenty years has appeared much above, than after usual
methods of training. Therefore, in 1998, by considering on the offer P.V. Tyulenew the
offered new educational standards, the Academy of the teachers - innovators has made
conclusion about a possibility and readiness of transition for realization of the draft of
a general free-of-charge higher education to 18 - 20 years. The consent immediately to
begin work was received from всемирно of the known teachers В.Ф.
Шаталова, Б.П. Никитина (- mind(wit). In January, 1999), Н.А.
Зайцева, and the appropriate offers were directed in legislative and executive
boards of authority(power), and in October, 1998 were approved in government of
However new management Ministry of Education has renewed attempts to keep
pernicious for the country of reforms directed on rise in price of formation(education).
It is possible to understand efforts of the officials to provide with the salary of the
teachers, but it is impossible to forgive long-term absence with what - or work on raise
of quality and scientific level of services, rendered to the population. The huge expenses
for pedagogical science have resulted in a result in negative result, to
lowering, if so
it is possible to be expressed, labour productivity. There is no doubt that
the common sense will conquer and working for the present on itself the education system
in Russia again will turn in enlightening system.
It is obvious, that the begun work on realization of system the MIR has the
international character: the educational complexes in all countries need to be resulted in
conformity with modern achievements of science and experience, if certainly, these states
are going to develop and to survive the next blepharon. All above speaked will
allow, at last, to realize in practice декларированное in the General
accepted the 44-th session, of the United Nations " the Conventions on the rights of
the child ", right of children on " development of the personality, talents both
mental and physical abilities of the child in their most complete volume "
(Item 29,
item 1, a). Therefore it is obvious, that the information on opening immediately concerns
all and is priority. It is important, that she(it) was lead up to each parent, was by a
subject of all-round discussion and has become a part общечеловеческой of
The information on these results and the free-of-charge resources on a new
education system are accessible in Internet, for example:
To estimate the social importance of a new education system, it is enough to
note, that the fundamental break, perhaps, in the most conservative area of human activity
is made. It is well known, as earlier many experts marked catastrophic lag of traditional
education systems from modern achievements of psychology and other sciences.
So, the large
scientists valued terms of lag of pedagogics from other areas of science in 250, and even
300 years. The progress in pedagogics was prevented by high labour input of offered new
pedagogical systems doing (making) hight intellectual education of children with
business !few (little,ifew) selected, provided families, and also natural conflict of
interests of the large social groups.
4. The parents of all countries - be consolidated for release of talents of
Is striking, but fact: the education system is unique(sole)
area, where the
manufacturer of services to itself defines quality. Not the society of the
parents, and
the teachers for themselves think out the so-called programs and standards. They accept
examinations. Since 17 - го of a blepharon the
pedagogical community does not suppose even conversations on body height of productivity
and quality of the work.
The representatives expense of a wing of the teachers, original
"луддизма" or "чартизма", movement against progress in
a name of employment in pedagogics especially handicapped with introduction innovations
and development of education. Many decades controlling the selected budgetary
asserting the rights of the teachers, principals of education have appeared objectively
interested in restraint of progress, in lowering a learning efficiency. It is
that the engineerings directed on a substantiation of augmentation of expenses, on
deception of funding bodies were funded only. Besides, till now in many countries the
education is supervised "by(with) the teachers - iintercomers", sincerely
convinced, that talents and geniuses in the country should not be much.
Actually, hostages traditional, затратных, and now and
сверхзатратных (двенадцатилетки or K-12) methods of training
from old times of steel all layers of the society, and the process of reforms in education
systems has appeared is stopped for centuries. Moreover, owing to monopoly, existing many
years, "expensiv of methods" the schools are actually transformed into original
factories of suppression of abilities and talents of children, that is, become
antidemocratic frames, where the human right on the greatest possible development of
abilities is to the greatest degree offended against.
Between that, attempt those who aspires to legalize the hidden mass operation
of children in the interests, proceed. However, the parents having united, are capable to
defend the rights of children. For example, in USA was given resolute rebuff in 1994 to
the correction to the law on formation(education), which actually abrogated the right of
the parents on family education outside of school - such families there more
полутора of millions.
In Russia are accepted most демократичные the laws, according to
which the parents have the right to give education, including, accelerated rates in any
form, and children can pass examinations in the form экстерната. Besides the
agrees of the order Ministry of Education Russian Federation from 27.06.94. N 225, the
parents can invite the teachers, to receive free-of-charge educational
literature, and as
compensation that give the child education in home conditions, in volume of the remedies
selected with the state. By the same order is fixed, that individual pedagogical
just as in USA, is not licensed, and the educational standards act uniform for all forms
of training. A possibility of receiving of education in the form externat in Russia on
system the MIR have also citizens of other states, as the methodical base does not depend
on the concrete contents of the programs.
The opening of the teachers - innovators in a combination to the progressive
legislation, in opinion of polyhabit spasms and public figures, obviously, allow to speak,
that there comes the new period, age of the Man Advanced (Homo Advanced). With
introduction of system the MIR the huge possibilities and prospects open. The essential
updatings in the legislation are necessary. Especially it is referred to developing of the
countries "of the third world", by which are referred about hundred states,
members of the United Nations. These states did not maintain burden of high cost offered
him(it) before educational services.
Overcoming of monopoly of the supporters затратных of methods in
education - most urgent task of all progressive public forces last year of a leaving
5. Most remarkable humanitarian opening of a blepharon?
The surprising facts are supervised and in a history of
pedagogics, which
experts persistently do not notice that fact, that the traditional education system till
now did not realize even many essential references Y.Кomensky (demand to a level of
preparation of children 6-oe of years, " the training plays " at
school, and others), published by him in "Great Didactica" in 1657!
If to value prognosticated consequences, it is no doubt that the system the MIR
liberating abilities and talents of children, will become one of the main events leaving
тысячелетия. She(it) perfects half-age-old, disinterested and hard struggle of
the progressive teachers, psychologists and doctors of Russia, USA, Japan and other
countries with the unscientific approaches to construction of state education
will become one of the main events of a leaving blepharon. In social and intellectual
sphere it is comparable(compared), probably, to release of energy of a nuclear core in
physics, invention of the printed machine tool or computers in the field of information
As the young teachers consider the released time allows to give more attention
to physical development, strengthening of health of children, enables to master skills of
creativity, art and musical trades, computer technologies, business and others, on which
there was no time earlier. Thus, there is a reality a free-of-charge higher education for
all wishing. As it is expected, at a proper correlation of preparation of the creative
staff, on the one hand, and experts of an enterprise structure, with another, system the
WORLD will result in raise of business activity both cultural and standard of life of the
population, to lowering unemployment and non-productive expenses. The appropriate programs
were included in the draft of reform of education systems, which the representatives of
series of the countries have become interested in. Certainly, for training the teachers
from various continents the seminars and policies are organized, however it is necessary
to frame regional centers for advisories of the parents and retraining of the workers of
6. What to do to the parents for development of children talented and
We realize, that in conditions, when aspiration everywhere prevails to
enlarge expenses and incomes, the concepts and антизатратных of reforms look
донкихотством, бесприбыльным employment(occupation). However, in this case speech goes about liquidation of the antihumane
phenomenon: actual and ruthless operation of children in interests of the supporters of
unrestrained rise in price of educational services. The universal diffusion of existing
unscientific methods preschool and school education weakens health of children, programs
enormous intellectual, creative losses of the society, huge expenses of the
parents, taxpayers. We have got used to hear, that it is not enough of the remedies selected on of
formation(education), but a little who can name cooperative digit: for example, in 1987 in
USA she(it) constituted more than 46 percents from the budget! We, certainly, too for
augmentation of investments in social sphere, but against payment of harm,
наносимого to children, future citizens by out-of-date educational
In conditions, when in all countries for the expired half-blepharons on
антизатратные methods was not allocated cent of grantings, we hope for your
comprehension, parent responsibility for the future of children and your information
In connection with engineering the new, more efficient concept of
formation(education) for UNESCO, with the purpose of creation of a new infrastructure and
international draft laws of a new education system, I offer to finish up to your readers
worded results of the progressive teachers, to help your readers to take part in
democratic discussion of problems and decisions, which will render immediate influence on
the future of children, economy, policies and bionomics of their next medium
обитания and development.
With the purpose of more efficient scheduling on introduction of a new
education system in various regions, I ask to help us to receive callings back and offer
from those parents and teachers, who knows, develops and trains children, grandsons under
the references of system the MIR "To read, - earlier, than to go" and
on which left for the last years of the book, telecasts. It is important to reveal a
degree подготовленности of the population to transition to new educational
thinking, as it reputes conducting defined of serious enlightening work among the
Besides we shall be very grateful for the callings back and offers from those
who uses in education of children the references and techniques B.P. Nikitin (Б.П.
Никитин), N.A.Zaitsew (Н.А. Зайцев), V.F. Shatalow (В.Ф. Шаталова)
(Russia), G. Douman (Г. Домана) (USA), S. Lupan (С. Лупан) (France),
Montessory (M. Монтессори) (Italy), K. Vitte (К. Витте) (Germany),
Syzuki (Ш. Сузуки), M. Ibuka (М.Ибука) (Japan), as these engineerings
help the parents to master system the MIR.
ask to leave the offers and answers on the site:
or E-Mail: ;
The callings back are necessary for executing works, for preparation of the
decisions of many existing problems and organization of enlightening work.
Irrespective of your position on the construed questions, if you will be
interested in receiving the information of the rather further events, you can subscribe
for reception ours пресс - релизов monthly on a E-Mail, to get acquainted with
materials of special news in press - center of our site.
Sincerely yours, with a wish of successes, Pavel Victorovich
the president of Association of the teachers - innovators, lecturer and
adviser, author of the books:
"How to speed up intellectual development of the child? " (1995),
"To read - earlier, than to go" (1996),
series of the books"To Each family - gifted children " (1998),
"How to develop enterprise talents?" and others.
The e-mail address: ;
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Telephones: 419-01-06, моб.: 8-926-799-85-22